
To be discovered this Friday during BAD+

First day of the BAD+ contemporary art and design fair for the general public.

A day dedicated to students

  • Free entrance for students, on presentation of proof of enrolment at the fair reception desk.


LAB+ programming

  • 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm: Bordeaux Art & Design 2024 residencies 
    Lelia Demoisy, artist at Château Smith Haut Lafitte  
    Moderated by Marie Maertens, artistic director BAD+ 
  • 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm: Reinterpreting heritage and the reediting process in design
    Léonie Alma Mason, interior architect, designer, contemporary art collector and founder of LOMM Editions 
  • 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm: Flashback 80: reflections on the design of this decade 
    Justine Despretz, specialist in 20th-century decorative arts and design and Jeanne Quéheillard, theorist and design critic 
    Moderated by Julie Valade, director Artcurial Nouvelle-Aquitaine 
  • 4:15 pm - 5:15 pm: Why and how to collect to support artists? 
    Marty de Montereau, contemporary art collector, president of the Prix Carré sur scène 
  • 5:15 pm - 6:15 pm : The art agency: creator of artistic and cultural projects 
    Camille Chaumette, founder of CHAUMETTE Art Agency 
  • 6:30 pm: Presentation of the Bordeaux Art + Design & Ebabx Prize  
    Marie Maertens, artistic director of BAD+ and Benoit Maire, president of the jury, collector and visual artist 


BAD+ Bordeaux Art and Design, it’s 

  • French and international galleries specializing in contemporary art and design  
  • guided tour of the fair  
  • Celebrating the Olympics with an Art and Sport exhibition 
  • Discover a selection of American art, to mark the 60th anniversary of the twinning of Bordeaux and Los Angeles 
  • Attend lectures and discussions at LAB+

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Plan your visit to BAD+ now


Art in the city, our off-site program

Round off your visit with a visit to our partner museums, art centers and institutions 

  • Exposition solo – Amandine Pierné-Petermann, at BAM Projects 
  • Auto, a retrospective by Nina Beier, at CAPC 
  • In Situ, by Barthélémy Toguo, at Château Fleur de Lisse 
  • Graphein Topos, by Boram Choi, at l’espace Silicone 
  • Fragments, by Nicolas Claris and Romain Claris, at Seeko’o 
  • La république des océans et des mers, by the artists Marianne Peltzer and Marina Chastenet by L’agence créative Tinbox 
  • Exhibition by the artist Julien Gachadoat, at L’artichaut 
  • Chambres d’ondes, by the artist Anne-Sarah Le Meur, at la Vitrine des essais 
  • Les visions silencieuses, by Valérie Belin, at Musba 
  • Spectres, by Nina Laisné, at l’artothèque Les arts au mur 

Discover all the exhbitions