Gala Dinner

Reserve your spot for the gala dinner on May 29th at 8pm at Hangar 14!

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Rabouan Moussion

1st floor // Stand 12

Rabouan Moussion

In 1989, Jaqueline Rabouan Moussion opened a gallery on rue Vieille du Temple in Paris and showed artists such as Hervé Télémaque, Jean Degottex, Valie Export, Otto Muehl, Sandy Skoglund and Oleg Kulik. In 2015, the gallery inaugurated a new space on rue Pastourelle with a solo exhibition of Erwin Olaf "Waiting".

Since its creation, the gallery has favored an exploratory approach towards emerging scenes, drawing its energy from subculture and political commitment. Thus, artists represented since their beginnings and today acclaimed by institutions (Hervé Télémaque, Erwin Olaf, Oleg Kulik) rub shoulders with the creations of young talents and confirmed artists.



Adress: 11 rue Pastourelle, 75003 Paris

8 boulevard Hennecart, 44500 La Baule

Phone number: +33 (0)1 48 87 75 91

+33 (0)2 52 59 71 01




Artists / Artworks

Ghyslain Bertholon


Sculpture, bronze, gold and burnt wood - 100 x 50 x 35 cm





Erwin Olaf

Dance in Close-Up, Grosse Fugue-I, 2022

Archival print on Hahnemuhle - 150 x 150 cm 





©Bruno Brounch


Untitled, 2023

Huile sur toile - 205 x 150 cm




Guillaume Durrieu

Untitled, 2018

Huile sur toile - 185 x 270 cm